www.gusucode.com > 因特达企业管理系统 V2010 > 因特达企业管理系统 V2010\code\wwwroot\doc\Asp\upload.asp

    <% Option Explicit %>

<!--#include file="config.asp"-->
<!--#include file="upfileclass.asp"-->
Server.ScriptTimeOut = 1800
Dim sType, sStyleName, sCusDir, sParamSYFlag
Dim sAllowExt, nAllowSize, sUploadDir, nUploadObject, nAutoDir, sBaseUrl, sContentPath
Dim sFileExt, sOriginalFileName, sSaveFileName, sPathFileName, nFileNum
Dim nSLTFlag, nSLTMinSize, nSLTOkSize, nSYWZFlag, sSYText, sSYFontColor, nSYFontSize, sSYFontName, sSYPicPath, nSLTSYObject, sSLTSYExt, nSYWZMinWidth, sSYShadowColor, nSYShadowOffset, nSYWZMinHeight, nSYWZPosition, nSYWZTextWidth, nSYWZTextHeight, nSYWZPaddingH, nSYWZPaddingV, nSYTPFlag, nSYTPMinWidth, nSYTPMinHeight, nSYTPPosition, nSYTPPaddingH, nSYTPPaddingV, nSYTPImageWidth, nSYTPImageHeight, nSYTPOpacity, nCusDirFlag
Call InitUpload()
Dim sAction
sAction = UCase(Trim(Request.QueryString("action")))
Call DoCreateNewDir()
Select Case sAction
Case "LOCAL"
Call DoLocal()
Call DoRemote()
Case "SAVE"
Call DoSave()
End Select
Sub DoSave()
Response.Write "<html><head><title>eWebEditor</title><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'></head><body>"
Select Case nUploadObject
Case 1
Call DoUpload_ASPUpload()
Case 2
Call DoUpload_SAFileUP()
Case 3
Call DoUpload_LyfUpload()
Case Else
Call DoUpload_Class()
End Select
Dim s_SmallImageFile, s_SmallImagePathFile, s_SmallImageScript
s_SmallImageFile = getSmallImageFile(sSaveFileName)
s_SmallImagePathFile = ""
s_SmallImageScript = ""
If makeImageSLT(sUploadDir, sSaveFileName, s_SmallImageFile) = True Then
Call makeImageSY(sUploadDir, s_SmallImageFile)
Call makeImageSY(sUploadDir, sSaveFileName)
s_SmallImagePathFile = sContentPath & s_SmallImageFile
s_SmallImageScript = "try{obj.addUploadFile('" & sOriginalFileName & "', '" & s_SmallImageFile & "', '" & s_SmallImagePathFile & "');} catch(e){} "
s_SmallImageFile = ""
Call makeImageSY(sUploadDir, sSaveFileName)
End If
sPathFileName = sContentPath & sSaveFileName
sOriginalFileName = Replace(sOriginalFileName, "'", "\'")
sOriginalFileName = Replace(sOriginalFileName, """", "\""")
Call OutScript("parent.UploadSaved('" & sPathFileName & "','" & s_SmallImagePathFile & "');var obj=parent.dialogArguments;if((!obj.eWebEditor)||(!obj.eWebEditor_Temp_HTML)||(!obj.eWebEditor_UploadForm)){obj=parent.dialogArguments.dialogArguments;} try{obj.addUploadFile('" & sOriginalFileName & "', '" & sSaveFileName & "', '" & sPathFileName & "');} catch(e){} " & s_SmallImageScript)
End Sub
Sub DoLocal()
Select Case nUploadObject
Case 1
Call DoUpload_ASPUpload()
Case 2
Call DoUpload_SAFileUP()
Case 3
Call DoUpload_LyfUpload()
Case Else
Call DoUpload_Class()
End Select
sPathFileName = sContentPath & sSaveFileName
Response.Write sPathFileName
End Sub
Sub makeImageSY(s_Path, s_File)
If nSYWZFlag = 0 And nSYTPFlag = 0 Then Exit Sub
If isValidSLTSYExt(s_File) = False Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Dim nOriginalWidth, nOriginalHeight, posX, posY
Dim oImage, oLogo
Select Case nSLTSYObject
Case 0
If IsObjInstalled("Persits.Jpeg") = False Then Exit Sub
Set oImage = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
If nSYWZFlag = 1 Then
oImage.Open (s_Path & s_File)
nOriginalWidth = oImage.OriginalWidth
nOriginalHeight = oImage.OriginalHeight
If nOriginalWidth<nSYWZMinWidth Or nOriginalHeight<nSYWZMinHeight Then Exit Sub
posX = getSYPosX(nSYWZPosition, nOriginalWidth, nSYWZTextWidth+nSYShadowOffset, nSYWZPaddingH)
posY = getSYPosY(nSYWZPosition, nOriginalHeight, nSYWZTextHeight+nSYShadowOffset, nSYWZPaddingV)
oImage.Canvas.Font.Color = Clng("&H" & sSYFontColor)
oImage.Canvas.Font.Family = sSYFontName
oImage.Canvas.Font.Size = nSYFontSize
oImage.Canvas.Font.ShadowColor = Clng("&H" & sSYShadowColor)
oImage.Canvas.Font.ShadowXOffset = nSYShadowOffset
oImage.Canvas.Font.ShadowYOffset = nSYShadowOffset
oImage.Canvas.Print posX, posY, sSYText
oImage.Save (s_Path & s_File)
End If
If nSYTPFlag = 1 Then
oImage.Open (s_Path & s_File)
nOriginalWidth = oImage.OriginalWidth
nOriginalHeight = oImage.OriginalHeight
If nOriginalWidth<nSYTPMinWidth Or nOriginalHeight<nSYTPMinHeight Then Exit Sub
posX = getSYPosX(nSYTPPosition, nOriginalWidth, nSYTPImageWidth, nSYTPPaddingH)
posY = getSYPosY(nSYTPPosition, nOriginalHeight, nSYTPImageHeight, nSYTPPaddingV)
Set oLogo = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
oLogo.Open Server.Mappath(sSYPicPath)
oImage.DrawImage posX, posY, oLogo, nSYTPOpacity, &HFFFFFF
oImage.Save (s_Path & s_File)
Set oLogo = Nothing
End If
Set oImage = Nothing
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Function getSYPosX(posFlag, originalW, syW, paddingH)
Select Case posFlag
Case 1, 2, 3
getSYPosX = paddingH
Case 4, 5, 6
getSYPosX = (originalW - syW) \ 2
Case 7, 8, 9
getSYPosX = originalW - paddingH - syW
End Select
End Function
Function getSYPosY(posFlag, originalH, syH, paddingV)
Select Case posFlag
Case 1, 4, 7
getSYPosY = paddingV
Case 2, 5, 8
getSYPosY = (originalH - syH) \ 2
Case 3, 6, 9
getSYPosY = originalH - paddingV - syH
End Select
End Function
Function makeImageSLT(s_Path, s_File, s_SmallFile)
makeImageSLT = False
If nSLTFlag = 0 Then Exit Function
If isValidSLTSYExt(s_File) = False Then Exit Function
Dim nOriginalWidth, nOriginalHeight, nWidth, nHeight
Dim oImage
Select Case nSLTSYObject
Case 0
If IsObjInstalled("Persits.Jpeg") = False Then Exit Function
Set oImage = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
oImage.Open (s_Path & s_File)
nOriginalWidth = oImage.OriginalWidth
nOriginalHeight = oImage.OriginalHeight
If nOriginalWidth < nSLTMinSize And nOriginalHeight < nSLTMinSize Then Exit Function
If nOriginalWidth > nOriginalHeight Then
nWidth = nSLTOkSize
nHeight = (nSLTOkSize / nOriginalWidth) * nOriginalHeight
nHeight = nSLTOkSize
nWidth = (nSLTOkSize / nOriginalHeight) * nOriginalWidth
End If
oImage.Width = nWidth
oImage.Height = nHeight
oImage.Save (s_Path & s_SmallFile)
Set oImage = Nothing
Case Else
End Select
makeImageSLT = True
End Function

Function isValidSLTSYExt(s_File)
	Dim b, i, aExt, sExt
	b = False
	sExt = LCase(Mid(s_File, InstrRev(s_File, ".")+1))
	aExt = Split(LCase(sSLTSYExt), "|")
	For i = 0 To UBound(aExt)
	If aExt(i) = sExt Then
	b = True
	Exit For
	End If
	isValidSLTSYExt = b
End Function

Function getSmallImageFile(s_File)
	Dim n
	n = InstrRev(s_File, ".")
	getSmallImageFile = Left(s_File, n-1) & "_s." & Mid(s_File, n+1)
End Function
Sub DoRemote()
Dim sContent, i
For i = 1 To Request.Form("eWebEditor_UploadText").Count 
sContent = sContent & Request.Form("eWebEditor_UploadText")(i) 
If sAllowExt <> "" Then
sContent = ReplaceRemoteUrl(sContent, sAllowExt)
End If
Response.Write "<html><head><title>eWebEditor</title><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'></head><body>" & _
"<input type=hidden id=UploadText value=""" & inHTML(sContent) & """>" & _
Call OutScriptNoBack("parent.setHTML(UploadText.value);try{parent.addUploadFile('" & sOriginalFileName & "', '" & sSaveFileName & "', '" & sPathFileName & "');} catch(e){} parent.remoteUploadOK();")
End Sub
Sub DoCreateNewDir()
Dim a, i
If nCusDirFlag = 1 Then
a = Split(sCusDir, "/")
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
If a(i) <> "" Then
Call CreateFolder(a(i))
End If
End If
Dim s_DateDir
Select Case nAutoDir
Case 1
s_DateDir = Left(FormatTime(Now(), 4), 4)
Case 2
s_DateDir = Left(FormatTime(Now(), 4), 6)
Case 3
s_DateDir = Left(FormatTime(Now(), 4), 8)
Case Else
s_DateDir = ""
End Select
If s_DateDir <> "" Then
Call CreateFolder(s_DateDir)
End If
End Sub
Sub CreateFolder(s_Folder)
	If IsObjInstalled("Scripting.FileSystemObject") = False Then
	Exit Sub
	End If
	sUploadDir = sUploadDir & s_Folder & "\"
	sUploadDir = replace(sUploadDir,"/","\")
	sContentPath = sContentPath & s_Folder & "/"
	Dim fso
	Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	dim arr,i,check_folder
	for i=0 to ubound(arr)
		if i<1 then
			If fso.FolderExists(check_folder) = False Then
				fso.CreateFolder check_folder
			End If
		end if
	'response.Write("<script>alert("""&s_Folder&""")</s  cript>")
	Set fso = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DoUpload_LyfUpload()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oUpload, sResult, sOriginalFile
Set oUpload = Server.CreateObject("LyfUpload.UploadFile")
oUpload.CodePage = 936
oUpload.ExtName = Replace(sAllowExt, "|", ",")
oUpload.MaxSize = nAllowSize*1024
sOriginalFile = oUpload.Request("originalfile")
sOriginalFileName = Mid(sOriginalFile, InStrRev(sOriginalFile, "\") + 1)
sFileExt = LCase(Mid(sOriginalFileName, InStrRev(sOriginalFileName, ".") + 1))
Call CheckValidExt(sFileExt)
sSaveFileName = GetRndFileName(sFileExt)
sResult = oUpload.SaveFile("uploadfile", sUploadDir, True, sSaveFileName)
Select Case sResult
Case "0"
Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('size')")
Case ""
Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('file')")
Case "1"
Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('ext')")
End Select
Set oUpload = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DoUpload_SAFileUp()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oFileUp
Set oFileUp = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.FileUp")
oFileUp.CodePage = 936
oFileUp.Path = sUploadDir
If oFileUp.Form("uploadfile").TotalBytes > nAllowSize*1024 Then
Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('size')")
End If
If oFileUp.Form("uploadfile").IsEmpty Then
Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('file')")
End If
Dim sShortFileName
sShortFileName = Mid(oFileUp.Form("uploadfile").UserFilename, InstrRev(oFileUp.Form("uploadfile").UserFilename, "\") + 1)
sFileExt = LCase(Mid(sShortFileName, InStrRev(sShortFileName, ".") + 1))
Call CheckValidExt(sFileExt)
sOriginalFileName = sShortFileName
sSaveFileName = GetRndFileName(sFileExt)
oFileUp.Form("uploadfile").SaveAs (sUploadDir & sSaveFileName)
Set oFileUp = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DoUpload_ASPUpload()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oUpload, oFile, nCount
Set oUpload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
oUpload.CodePage = 936
oUpload.SetMaxSize nAllowSize*1024, True
nCount = oUpload.Save
If nCount < 1 Then
Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('file')")
End If
If Err.Number = 8 Then
Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('size')")
End If
Set oFile = oUpload.Files("uploadfile")
sFileExt = LCase(Mid(oFile.Ext, 2))
Call CheckValidExt(sFileExt)
sOriginalFileName = oFile.FileName
sSaveFileName = GetRndFileName(sFileExt)
oFile.SaveAs (sUploadDir & sSaveFileName)
Set oFile = Nothing
Set oUpload = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DoUpload_Class()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oUpload, oFile
Set oUpload = New upfile_class
oUpload.GetData nAllowSize*1024
If oUpload.Err > 0 Then
Select Case oUpload.Err
Case 1
Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('file')")
Case 2
Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('size')")
End Select
End If
Set oFile = oUpload.File("uploadfile")
sFileExt = LCase(oFile.FileExt)
Call CheckValidExt(sFileExt)
sOriginalFileName = oFile.FileName
sSaveFileName = GetRndFileName(sFileExt)
Dim str_Mappath
str_Mappath = sUploadDir & sSaveFileName
sFileExt = LCase(Mid(str_Mappath, InstrRev(str_Mappath, ".") + 1))
Call CheckValidExt(sFileExt)
oFile.SaveToFile str_Mappath
Set oFile = Nothing
Set oUpload = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetRndFileName(sExt)
Dim sRnd
sRnd = Int(900 * Rnd) + 100
GetRndFileName = FormatTime(Now(), 5) & sRnd & "." & sExt
End Function
Sub OutScript(str)
If sAction <> "LOCAL" Then
Response.Write "<script language=javascript>" & str & ";history.back()</script>"
End If
End Sub
Sub OutScriptNoBack(str)
Response.Write "<script language=javascript>" & str & "</script>"
End Sub
Sub CheckValidExt(sExt)
	Dim b, i, aExt
	b = False
	aExt = Split(sAllowExt, "|")
	For i = 0 To UBound(aExt)
		If LCase(aExt(i)) = sExt Then
		b = True
		Exit For
		End If

	dim s
	if instr(s,","&lcase(sExt)&",") then'这些文件强制不让上传,设置了也不行
		b = False
	end if
	If b = False Then
	Call OutScript("parent.UploadError('ext')")
	End If
End Sub
Sub InitUpload()
sType = UCase(Trim(Request.QueryString("type")))
sStyleName = Trim(Request.QueryString("style"))
sCusDir = Trim(Request.QueryString("cusdir"))
sParamSYFlag = Trim(Request.QueryString("syflag"))
sCusDir = Replace(sCusDir, "\", "/")
If Left(sCusDir, 1) = "/" Or Left(sCusDir, 1) = "." Or Right(sCusDir, 1) = "." Or InStr(sCusDir, "./") > 0 Or InStr(sCusDir, "/.") > 0 Or InStr(sCusDir, "//") > 0 Then
sCusDir = ""
End If
Dim i, aStyleConfig, bValidStyle
bValidStyle = False
For i = 1 To Ubound(aStyle)
aStyleConfig = Split(aStyle(i), "|||")
If Lcase(sStyleName) = Lcase(aStyleConfig(0)) Then
bValidStyle = True
Exit For
End If
If bValidStyle = False Then
End If
sBaseUrl = aStyleConfig(19)
nUploadObject = Clng(aStyleConfig(20))
nAutoDir = CLng(aStyleConfig(21))
sUploadDir = aStyleConfig(3)&session("公司简称")&"/"
If sBaseUrl<>"3" Then
If Left(sUploadDir, 1) <> "/" Then
	sUploadDir = "../" & sUploadDir
End If
End If
Select Case sBaseUrl
Case "0", "3"
sContentPath = aStyleConfig(23)
Case "1"
sContentPath = RelativePath2RootPath(sUploadDir)
Case "2"
sContentPath = RootPath2DomainPath(RelativePath2RootPath(sUploadDir))
End Select
If sBaseUrl<>"3" Then
sUploadDir = Server.Mappath(sUploadDir)
End If
If Right(sUploadDir,1)<>"\" Then
sUploadDir = sUploadDir & "\"
End If
Select Case sType
sAllowExt = aStyleConfig(10)
nAllowSize = Clng(aStyleConfig(15))
Case "FILE"
sAllowExt = aStyleConfig(6)
nAllowSize = Clng(aStyleConfig(11))
Case "MEDIA"
sAllowExt = aStyleConfig(9)
nAllowSize = Clng(aStyleConfig(14))
Case "FLASH"
sAllowExt = aStyleConfig(7)
nAllowSize = Clng(aStyleConfig(12))
Case "LOCAL"
sAllowExt = aStyleConfig(44)
nAllowSize = Clng(aStyleConfig(45))
Case Else
sAllowExt = aStyleConfig(8)
nAllowSize = Clng(aStyleConfig(13))
End Select
nSLTFlag = Clng(aStyleConfig(29))
nSLTMinSize = Clng(aStyleConfig(30))
nSLTOkSize = Clng(aStyleConfig(31))
nSYWZFlag = Clng(aStyleConfig(32))
sSYText = aStyleConfig(33)
sSYFontColor = aStyleConfig(34)
nSYFontSize = Clng(aStyleConfig(35))
sSYFontName = aStyleConfig(36)
sSYPicPath = aStyleConfig(37)
nSLTSYObject = Clng(aStyleConfig(38))
sSLTSYExt = aStyleConfig(39)
nSYWZMinWidth = Clng(aStyleConfig(40))
sSYShadowColor = aStyleConfig(41)
nSYShadowOffset = Clng(aStyleConfig(42))
nSYWZMinHeight = Clng(aStyleConfig(46))
nSYWZPosition = Clng(aStyleConfig(47))
nSYWZTextWidth = Clng(aStyleConfig(48))
nSYWZTextHeight = Clng(aStyleConfig(49))
nSYWZPaddingH = Clng(aStyleConfig(50))
nSYWZPaddingV = Clng(aStyleConfig(51))
nSYTPFlag = Clng(aStyleConfig(52))
nSYTPMinWidth = Clng(aStyleConfig(53))
nSYTPMinHeight = Clng(aStyleConfig(54))
nSYTPPosition = Clng(aStyleConfig(55))
nSYTPPaddingH = Clng(aStyleConfig(56))
nSYTPPaddingV = Clng(aStyleConfig(57))
nSYTPImageWidth = Clng(aStyleConfig(58))
nSYTPImageHeight = Clng(aStyleConfig(59))
nSYTPOpacity = CDbl(aStyleConfig(60))
nCusDirFlag = Clng(aStyleConfig(61))
If nSYWZFlag=2 Then
If sParamSYFlag = "1" Then
nSYWZFlag = 1
nSYWZFlag = 0
End If
End If
If nSYTPFlag=2 Then
If sParamSYFlag = "1" Then
nSYTPFlag = 1
nSYTPFlag = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Function RelativePath2RootPath(url)
Dim sTempUrl
sTempUrl = url
If Left(sTempUrl, 1) = "/" Then
RelativePath2RootPath = sTempUrl
Exit Function
End If
Dim sWebEditorPath
sWebEditorPath = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
sWebEditorPath = Left(sWebEditorPath, InstrRev(sWebEditorPath, "/") - 1)
Do While Left(sTempUrl, 3) = "../"
sTempUrl = Mid(sTempUrl, 4)
sWebEditorPath = Left(sWebEditorPath, InstrRev(sWebEditorPath, "/") - 1)
RelativePath2RootPath = sWebEditorPath & "/" & sTempUrl
End Function
Function RootPath2DomainPath(url)
Dim sHost, sPort
sHost = Split(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PROTOCOL"), "/")(0) & "://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")
sPort = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT")
If sPort <> "80" Then
sHost = sHost & ":" & sPort
End If
RootPath2DomainPath = sHost & url
End Function
Function ReplaceRemoteUrl(sHTML, sExt)
Dim s_Content
s_Content = sHTML
If IsObjInstalled("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") = False Or nAllowSize <= 0 then
ReplaceRemoteUrl = s_Content
Exit Function
End If
Dim re, RemoteFile, RemoteFileurl, SaveFileName, SaveFileType
Set re = new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase  = True
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "((http|https|ftp|rtsp|mms):(\/\/|\\\\){1}(([A-Za-z0-9_-])+[.]){1,}([A-Za-z0-9]{1,5})\/(\S+\.(" & sExt & ")))"
Set RemoteFile = re.Execute(s_Content)
Dim a_RemoteUrl(), n, i, bRepeat
n = 0
For Each RemoteFileurl in RemoteFile
If n = 0 Then
n = n + 1
Redim a_RemoteUrl(n)
a_RemoteUrl(n) = RemoteFileurl
bRepeat = False
For i = 1 To UBound(a_RemoteUrl)
If UCase(RemoteFileurl) = UCase(a_RemoteUrl(i)) Then
bRepeat = True
Exit For
End If
If bRepeat = False Then
n = n + 1
Redim Preserve a_RemoteUrl(n)
a_RemoteUrl(n) = RemoteFileurl
End If
End If		
nFileNum = 0
For i = 1 To n
SaveFileType = Mid(a_RemoteUrl(i), InstrRev(a_RemoteUrl(i), ".") + 1)
SaveFileName = GetRndFileName(SaveFileType)
If SaveRemoteFile(SaveFileName, a_RemoteUrl(i)) = True Then
nFileNum = nFileNum + 1
If nFileNum > 1 Then
sOriginalFileName = sOriginalFileName & "|"
sSaveFileName = sSaveFileName & "|"
sPathFileName = sPathFileName & "|"
End If
sOriginalFileName = sOriginalFileName & Mid(a_RemoteUrl(i), InstrRev(a_RemoteUrl(i), "/") + 1)
sSaveFileName = sSaveFileName & SaveFileName
sPathFileName = sPathFileName & sContentPath & SaveFileName
s_Content = Replace(s_Content, a_RemoteUrl(i), sContentPath & SaveFileName, 1, -1, 1)
End If
ReplaceRemoteUrl = s_Content
End Function
Function SaveRemoteFile(s_LocalFileName, s_RemoteFileUrl)
Dim Ads, Retrieval, GetRemoteData
Dim bError
bError = False
SaveRemoteFile = False
On Error Resume Next
Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
With Retrieval
.Open "Get", s_RemoteFileUrl, False, "", ""
GetRemoteData = .ResponseBody
End With
Set Retrieval = Nothing
If LenB(GetRemoteData) > nAllowSize*1024 Then
bError = True
Set Ads = Server.CreateObject("Adodb." & "Stream")
With Ads
.Type = 1
.Write GetRemoteData
.SaveToFile sUploadDir & s_LocalFileName, 2
End With
Set Ads=nothing
End If
If Err.Number = 0 And bError = False Then
SaveRemoteFile = True
End If
End Function
Function IsObjInstalled(strClassString)
On Error Resume Next
IsObjInstalled = False
Err = 0
Dim xTestObj
Set xTestObj = Server.CreateObject(strClassString)
If 0 = Err Then IsObjInstalled = True
Set xTestObj = Nothing
Err = 0
End Function
Function inHTML(str)
Dim sTemp
sTemp = str
inHTML = ""
If IsNull(sTemp) = True Then
Exit Function
End If
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "&", "&amp;")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "<", "&lt;")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, ">", "&gt;")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr(34), "&quot;")
inHTML = sTemp
End Function
Function FormatTime(s_Time, n_Flag)
Dim y, m, d, h, mi, s
FormatTime = ""
If IsDate(s_Time) = False Then Exit Function
y = cstr(year(s_Time))
m = cstr(month(s_Time))
If len(m) = 1 Then m = "0" & m
d = cstr(day(s_Time))
If len(d) = 1 Then d = "0" & d
h = cstr(hour(s_Time))
If len(h) = 1 Then h = "0" & h
mi = cstr(minute(s_Time))
If len(mi) = 1 Then mi = "0" & mi
s = cstr(second(s_Time))
If len(s) = 1 Then s = "0" & s
Select Case n_Flag
Case 1
FormatTime = y & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & h & ":" & mi & ":" & s
Case 2
FormatTime = y & "-" & m & "-" & d
Case 3
FormatTime = h & ":" & mi & ":" & s
Case 4
FormatTime = y & m & d
Case 5
FormatTime = y & m & d & h & mi & s
End Select
End Function